
Using the interdisciplinary approach to save souls, Shyanna Merced creates works that eliminates the fine line between love, and everything disguised as such. Exploring the daily shortcomings of man, and what that does to the masses. What that does to hearts. Shyanna Merced uses her practice as she uses her lungs to breathe. It is vital.

Based in Earth, Shyanna Merced grew up in Buffalo, New York. Being a Puerto Rican woman, Shyanna understands the importance and need of representation and diversity within opportunity for artists who look like her, and who don’t. Holding that awareness, she also finds no identity within appearance or within her human body.

Primarily in the visual arts, mediums range from paintings to literature, performance, textiles , etc. Shyanna Merced has a studio practice in downtown Buffalo where she is working on upcoming exhibitions, and projects.

Courtesy of Kylie Priscilla


Courtesy of Gio Munisteri

Death would be too easy, I wish Life upon you.