
Ivory skin,

Lotus heart,

Marshmallow mind,

I tear through tin,

Till I find the part,

I want to find,

I found it!

Glow I found,

Lift me from the ground,

I am new.

Artist Statement of Intent

Courtesy of Gio Munisteri

Physically, I am born from the womb of a woman. Soulfully, I am born from the highest. I am exhaustingly, fascinated with trauma, specifically mine. The Cause and Effect relationship between what’s been done, and what am I going to do about it. The hyper awareness of what you don’t have physically, pushes you to understand what you have soulfully. The space in between the two, exercises my imagination so I can convey what is needed.

In the way I work, I am creating a space for viewers to feel conviction, through the eyes of their life experiences. From the point of the womb, to today. We are simultaneously in a beginning and in an end. Explore your fleshly wounds, not to understand your place in the world, but to understand your position in the spirit. My medium is soul, and I am nothing but a vessel to deliver truth to whomever perceives. For I am referencing them.

Upcoming Event

SHYANNA MERCED will be at BEAU FLEUVE Festival displaying as a designer. August 25th